Testing Articles |
REPOSITORIES of ARTICLES Rather than attempt to list the many articles about quality and testing that have been written, visit these sites for larger repository of articles. For Craig - Click here Stickyminds Very large repository of articles on software testing with comprehensive search. 12 Best Beta Test Management Software For 2021 by CXLEAD Article that presents 12 tools that are useful for software beta testing. It includes graphics and pros and cons of each and the criteria used for analysis. Provided by CXLEAD Articles provided by LogiGear, Inc. Many articles provided here about test automation and other quality assurance QA subjects written by well recognized leaders in the field of quality assurance. Also provided by Logigear are articles that are part of their monthly Newsletter. Here's a link to their newsletter archive. Pragmatic Software Newsletters This site contains many excellent white papers and newsletters with articles on many different quality assurance related subjects. Easy QA - Articles Software testing articles provided by Easy QA. QA Quick Kit Software testing articles containing tips and "hacks" especially useful for startups and small companies. Software Testing Fundamentals A Software Testing Primer A forty page primer on Software Testing, distributed free under Creative Commons. It covers white vs black box; unit, integration and system testing; automated testing; planning, preparation and metrics. Test Automation Best Automation Testing Tools for 2019 (Top 10 reviews) Article on some of the more popular testing tools on Medium.com Trending Top 10 Automated Testing Tools Article from DZone on October, 2016 listing the the most trending software testing automation tools at this time. Trending Topics on Software Testing by Ray Parker
If you're interested in several automated testing articles, some excellent ones are listed on Brett's site. White paper articles provided by Aspire Systems A list of white papers provided by Aspire Systems which include some specific to testing and test automation. Kerry has written the article "Are you Ready for the Test Automation Game" for STQE (renamed) Better Software Magazine, Nov./Dec., 2002. This article describes key considerations that are fundamental for increasing your success with test automation. Here is another article written a few years ago on test automation. It's still fundamentally sound. You may view it on the web or if you have the Adobe Acrobat reader installed you may download the document in .PDF format. Adobe Acrobat PDF format STATE Software Tool for Automated Test Environment by Hughes Software Systems. This whitepaper talks about STATE, which is a testing framework that can be used for testing any protocol / stack implementation. Adopting Automated Testing - Challenges & Solution by Hughes Software Systems GUI Testing Tools Evaluation and Best Practice Report Defect Tracking Bug Tracking Guidelines Simple guidelines for issue/bug tracking. Three Components of Effective Defect Management Systems AdminiTrack Article of interest to your readership covering 3 components of an effective defect management system. Describes ways to use defects to your advantage. Discusses an often missed aspect of defect management.
Articles from ReQtest
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